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    Great Phermesia Wiki
    Revision as of 05:01, 21 March 2024 by Phillapple (talk | contribs) (Lore update, added dates, fixed syntax, added sources)
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    LittleP10's skin

    Phillapple is a member of Great Phermesia who joined the server November of 2021, typically building sci-fi and space-related builds in the End dimension. A self-described "space fantasy" builder.[1]

    {{People_Info_Box|title1=|aliases=IGN: LittleP10, His Eminence |jobs:=Founder of Nav Co., Head of State and Immortal Emperor of the U.S.R.E., Head Chairman of Nav Republic|businesses:=Nav Co.} (formerly)}


    Below is a synopsis of accomplishments Phillapple has made to the Great Phermesian community, in order of first to happen to last to happen.

    • Being the second player to establish a settlement in the End Dimension
    • Establishing The United Socialist Republic of the End, a rival nation to Great Phermesia
    • General fixups to user infrastructure (warps, Dynmap markers)
    • Founding and editing the Great Phermesia Wiki
    • Creating a warp hub for the End Dimension
    • Creating the Centralis Insula city in the End
    • Continuing civil infrastructure projects in Great Phermesia
    • Fighting and winning a war with the Crimson Federation
    • Receiving Creative Builder of the Year 2022


    The Loophole circa December, 2021, excreting end stone

    Phillapple's main characters are not from the Great Phermesian Minecraft World⁠. They arrived in G.P.'s End dimension via a portal through the multiworld called the Loophole. The Loophole was created by Nav Co. to escape its reality cluster. The Loophole's portal exited at the islands due west of the Central End Island of Great Phermesia, and on these islands Base 0 began construction.[Footnote 1] The device was active for a month, transporting Nav Republic's workers, equipment, and resources from Spiceland II to settle in the End dimension. After completing its mission, it had an irreparable radiator malfunction, overheating and excreting cosmic power as end stone, creating an artificial island anchored to its position in the End dimension.

    Phillapple I

    Phillapple is a character from the Spiceland I World, and player Phillapple's first and longest-recurring Minecraft character, first publically appearing in 2019 on a Bedrock Realm called Spicy's Creative. He is the Immortal Emperor of United Socialist Republic of the End (USRE).

    In Spicy's Realms

    First known image of Sleep Inn in the Marina, circa August 2019, showing visible end corruption

    Born in The Marina, Marina Federation, on Spiceland I, Phillapple built up his hotel chain Sleep Inn, its first location being in downtown Marina. He became wealthy, being one of the largest chain hotel owners in that World.

    In late 2019, the End Corruption began. Using funds from Sleep Inn, he founded and financed the science and technology organization Defense Against the End (DAE), a scientific organization aimed to study the phenomena and stop its spread. The organization succeeded in its mission, using its new scientific knowledge to create prototype End weapons such as repulsorlift craft, portals, often sporting a purpur and end stone finish. In September of 2019, Phillapple reallocated the DAE's resources and created the Offence With the End (OWE) paramilitary company to fight in the Harley Revolution against the Marina Federation.

    After the loss of the war, Phillapple transferred the funds to yet another corporation, Nav Co., whose structure more focused on building the business of science. Nav Co.'s technology was used in wars against The Marina Federation and its allies, as well as in an attempt to build a colony in the End. Phillapple's company invented repulsorlift technologies and the first instantaneous portal devices, accessing all three dimensions. This gave a considerable advantage in times of war, frequent in Spiceland, by allowing Nav Co. and its paramilitary alliance to operate or retreat anywhere with very little notice.

    In December of 2020, the world file for Spiceland I was too large for a realm, approaching 4 GB. Reality was fading away from Spiceland. In a last-ditch effort of survival, he paid his engineers (who were not aware of the immanent reality collapse) to conquer the barrier of the multiworld, shooting himself in a random direction to a nearby world. After the Realm reset and a new world was made, Phillapple found his counterpart in that world, still a hotel manager, and together they re-founded Nav Co. and later founded Nav Republic in Spiceland II's End dimension.

    On Spiceland II, the pair unsuccesfully attempt to rebuild Phillapple I's empire Eventually, nanomachine-based dynamic printers (nBADs) were invented by the pair, allowing for an end-based web of mining, material refining, and construction all with networks of self-replicating nanomachines. The pair manage to build half of their end habitat, before the nanomachines gain sentience and go rogue, proceeding to mine the end stone of Central End Island and deposit it and themselves into the void.[2] Spicy's Realms shuts down in late 2021, and Nav Co. and the new Republic of the End go leave the dead Spiceland World cluster.

    Phillapple I's memories and sentience are now stored digitally on many hard drives. These are used to inhabit the mind of the P-series clones, the tenth of which now living in the Great Phermesian World.

    Phillapple II

    Phillapple II was Phillapple I's counterpart on Spiceland II and the main advisor to Phillapple I while developing Nav Republic and Nav Co, on Spiceland II. Not much is known about his activities after initial settling of Base 0.

    P-series variants

    Ten clones of Phillapple I were created at Base 0. These versions are virtually indistinguishable from the original due to having practically identical genetic makeup, mind, and a shared soul. One clone from the P-series called P10 currently rules the U.S.R.E.. Created in 2021, he lead the construction of Centralis Insula base as well as winning a skirmish war against the local Crimson Federation for illegally parking spacecraft at Base 0 twice.


    Grug is the radio/showhost personality for 98.3 SCNR-FM radio station in Shiflett City. He is the "voice of USRE national media", according to Nav Republic secretary of media Joe Swanson.

    1. The Creative Realm that Phillapple primarily played on before playing on Great Phermesia shut down.
    1. https://discord.com/channels/810684927170707507/895099901397045308/1008465877806628956
    2. Poopfart on the realm decided they wanted to replace all the end stone with dirt and grass despite not knowing how, and then never doing it
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